Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dui Cases Are Not Impossible - 1260 Words

DUI Cases are not impossible to WIN Your DUI Case Is Not Hopeless Notwithstanding what you may have heard, DUI cases don t always lead to feelings. There may be various ways to challenge your DUI arrest, and speaking with an accomplished DUI attorney is the most ideal way to assess your case and determine if conceivable challenges may help you beat your charges and clear your record. While the specific guards you can assert in a DUI case differ from case to case and state to state, there are several important principles that apply in pretty much every case involving DUI arrests. Miranda Rights: Law authorization must read a man his or her Miranda rights, that you have the privilege to remain quiet and so forth., just if they†¦show more content†¦You may also challenge the accuracy of the arraignment s breath alcohol proof with a specialist witness who may debate the qualifications of the police faculty doing the alcohol testing, question the maintenance and functionality of the breathalyzer, or challenge the techniques utilized as a part of obtaining the confirmation. This is only a few ways to battle the breath test. Regardless of where you live or what the laws in that area may be you require an Ogden DUI attorney who will speak to you fairly and in a fitting manner. Regarding the matter of DUI cases there are two bits of confirmation that are the most important and those are the field temperance tests and the breathalyzer tests. Having an attorney who will guard whatever the result of those tests were is critical as your future is hanging in the balance. It is also important in these sorts of cases that you have an attorney who can effectively and effectively interview any witnesses, for example, cops that were available. Being able to legitimately scrutinize the cop about how they administered the field moderation tests is important. In the matter of only an average DUI charge and charge where vehicular manslaughter or murder is involved laws will vary from state to state. A normal inebriated arguing so as to drive case can easily be safeguarded points of field temperance tests and breathalyzer readings. However when you are looking at of vehicular crime

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Basics Behind Qualitative Research Free Essays

yFundamentals of Qualitative Research Jamye D. Jeter Cameron Submitted to Dr. Curtis Maybee University of Phoenix Fundamentals of Qualitative Research When a researcher sets out to begin a study, he or she must begin by asking questions of him or herself. We will write a custom essay sample on The Basics Behind Qualitative Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now These questions lead to the determination of the type of research study the researcher is going to conduct. The study may be based on qualitative research, quantitative research, or both. But, in order to determine the study method and design choice, the researcher needs to see what is fueling his or her research question. Research questions based on quantitative research focuses on obtaining data that can be measured, usually in some form or numerical/statistical manner (Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010). Qualitative research is based more on why certain phenomenon take place and what can be done to better understand why the phenomenon took place at all (Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010). This paper will serve as a brief overview of the fundamentals of qualitative research. Through this paper, the reader should be able to receive a basic understanding of the characteristics of a qualitative problem statement and purpose statement; formulation of qualitative research questions; and qualitative data collection and analysis procedures. Characteristics of a Qualitative Problem Statement According to Leedy amp; Ormrod (2010), â€Å"qualitative researchers often formulate general research problems, and ask only general questions about the phenomenon they are studying† (p. 136). By taking this approach, the problem statement in a qualitative study may come across somewhat vague. The problem statement will attempt to be as direct as possible, and will hopefully detail why the researcher selected qualitative over quantitative research. However, the fascinating thing about qualitative studies is there is always room to evolve and further develop the study based on the information and data collected (Rubin, 2007, Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010). The problem statement guides the researcher’s interest from the stage of curiosity to the stage of being a specific statement. The problem statement will also explain why the researcher feels their particular topic is important and what has already been researched in this particular area (Rubin, 2007). Characteristics of a Qualitative Purpose Statement The purpose statement of a qualitative research study, much like that of quantitative studies, gives an account of the purpose or intention of the study (Jenkins, 2009). The purpose statement is specific and addresses some information gaps that may exist in what is currently known from previous studies (Merriam, 2002). Researchers may often time take on a study of a phenomenon merely because this is not an abundance of research material about the phenomenon (Merriam, 2002). This can lead to the researcher having the ability to build his or her hypothesis or theory as information is gathered. However, the purpose statement will need to identify the data collection methods chosen, and reveal the possible research questions that will be explored. Formulation of Qualitative Research Questions When trying to determine the research questions that will need to be asked, the researcher must understand what or whom, he or she is trying to research. A means to make this determination, the researcher can select a sample from which he or she believes to be the most informative and beneficial to the research (Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010). This process is called a purposive or purposeful sample. When making a sample selection, the researcher must also make a determination of what the criteria of the sample will be; for example male or female; certain ages, ethnicity or heights; certain occupations; etc. Once the sample size and criteria is determined, the researcher will then be able to develop questions that can be posed to the sample group to get the information needed for the study. Data Collection and Analysis The areas of data collection and analysis go hand and hand. In order to analyze the data, the researcher must first collect the data. According to Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010, â€Å"there are three major sources of data for qualitative studies – interviews, observations, and documents† (p. 23). If is up to the researcher to determine what process of research is best for the study he or she is conducting. There are times when only one method is used, but then there are times when more than one method is used. However, the researcher may identify his or her primary method (Rubin, 2007). It is also possible to utilize the internet and worldwide web to collect information for the study also. After the data is collected, the researcher must be able to analyze the data. The truth is the data analysis is usually simultaneous with the data collection stage (Rubin, 2007). From the time the first interview takes place or observation begins, the researcher should already be analyzing what he or she has learned. By doing so, the researcher can eliminate the possibility of being overwhelmed with information at the conclusion of the data collection process. While analyzing, the information collected, the researcher can break up what he or she learns into categories (Leedy amp; Ormrod, 2010). The use of these categories will help identify any patterns of behavior or occurrence that may exist. References Jenkins, L. (2009). Fundamentals of quantitative research: Considerations in research methodology. Retrieved from the website: www. academicwriting. suite101. com on July 18, 2010. Leedy, P. and Ormrod, E. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design, 9ed. Merrill. Pearson Education. Merriam, S. B. (2002). Introduction to qualitative research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Rubin, A. (2007). Practitioner’s guide to using research for evidence-based practice. New York: Wiley Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Part 2 Based upon Prospectus II * How does the problem statement align with the approach communicated in the purpose section? The problem statement aligned with the outlined approach. The problem was determined to be that qualified teachers are turning down jobs at low performing schools. The approach was to take surveys and interviews to find out why this is occurring. How does the purpose of the study inform the way in which the research questions are written? The purpose statement tells that the researcher will use in-depth open-ended interviews and questionnaires given to 100 current teachers, who have at least turned down employment at one low performing school. Do the research questions adequately address the problem as detailed by the researcher? Why or why not? In my opinion, the research question shown, while pertinent to the outcome, seems a little vague. Perhaps, if there was one than one research question posed, there may have been a little more clarity. Does the wording of the purpose statement and research question suggest the methodology used in the study? How? Yes, the wording in the purpose statement and research question suggest the methodology used in the study. In the purpose statement, it begins with in this qualitative study†¦ That is telling the reader, this is definitely going to be a qualitative research study. In the research question, there is a lot of implication as to what and why. Typically, who, what, why and how are signs that the study is going to be centered on qualitative research methodology. Does the methodology employed adequately address all aspects of the problem detailed by the researcher? Why or Why not? The use of interviews and questionnaires seemingly will produce the results the researcher is looking for. * Do all elements of the project’s design work together in a cohesive and logical manner? Why or Why not? Yes, the components presented for this project, did work together in a cohesive and logical manner. The information flowed well, and was very easy to read and understand what the project was focusing on, and how the researcher planned to get to that point. How to cite The Basics Behind Qualitative Research, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting -

Question: Discuss about the Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting. Answer: Introduction The title of the report is Analysis of conceptual framework of accounting with prudence. The title itself describes that if any analysis is required to be made then the conceptual framework of accounting is reviewed along with prudence and is checked whether the requirements of the conceptual framework of accounting is being followed or have been followed in earlier years by the company. As per the common parlance that will come in everyones mind is that the presence of framework for pursuing any kind of work shall be solicited by each and every individual including those working in an organization. If any work of any nature is done without any structure or without any framework then the results so produced will be negative and will not serve the purpose of neither the companies nor the individuals working in an organization. Therefore, for accounting work there shall be the proper framework that shall include all the rules, regulations, acts or accounting standards and auditing stan dards. Similarly the concept of prudence says that the person who is engaged in accounting for the transaction of the company shall be true and fair enough and shall apply the degree of his knowledge as well as the caution and thus, Prudence shall be followed throughput the accounting work as it guides what are the things that are required to be considered by the individuals for preparation of the financial statements. These above explained are the two objectives of the study which has followed throughout the study. To have the deep analysis of the conceptual framework of accounting and prudence, the annual report of the company has been selected for the year ending June 2016. The company is Qantas Airlines which has been registered and incorporated in the country of Australia and also registered with the Australian Stock Exchange. The analysis of the annual report of Qantas Airlines has been made in regard to the defined parameters like valuation of the inventories, property plant and equipment, accounts receivable and others. At each of the parameters it is checked whether the conceptual framework of accounting is being followed or not and the level of prudence that has been employed while finalizing the financial statements. At the end the study has been concluded with overall findings and thereafter recommendation has been given as to whether the company so selected is in compliance of all the conceptual framework requirements. The framework is regarded as the defined and managed structure which plans out as to how the certain task is required to be performed and within what parameters the task so assigned is required to be completed. Thus, the framework is the guiding factor as well as the directing and controlling factor which ensures that if the workers engaged in an organization performs the work in the manner in which it is designed or within the framework then there will be less chances of any non compliance with the mandatory or statutory requirements. Thus, the structure and which is defined one is very necessary for the proper working and the results thereon. In case there is no defined structure then the workers engaged in the work will end up with zero outcomes and in case any outcome arises then it will be so much ifs and buts which will not in anyways serve the purpose of the organization (Anastasia, 2015 and Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting, 2013). In the accounting terms, the framework of accounting is known as the conceptual framework of accounting. The conceptual framework of accounting is basically consists of the two objectives. First objective gives the way as to how the assets and liabilities of the company on the particular date should be measured and how the income and expenses earned and incurred respectively has been earned and paid during the year. Second objectives are to get the financial statements so prepared by the company, satisfy the three major characteristics of the conceptual framework of accounting. These are: The first feature is represented faithfully. The financial statements prepared by the company shall be represented faithfully. There are three features included in the term faithful representation. These are neutral, free from error and free from any bias. It envisage that the financial statements shall reflect that the financial statements have not been prepared under some sort of any form of bias, that it will be neutral that is it shall be bias free. If it is present then it is clear that the conceptual framework of accounting is being applied and fully followed otherwise it depicts the non compliance of conceptual framework of accounting (Weiss, 2014). The second feature is relevant. The financial statements prepared shall be relevant to the users of the financial statements and other stakeholders. Users and stakeholders generally require the relevant information for their quick and effective decision making. If the relevant information is not made available then the purpose of the conceptual framework of accounting will decline. The last feature is reliable. It entails that the financial information provided in the financial statements shall be reliable otherwise the government department will not give any sort of benefits and also the users of the financial statements may find it difficult to make correct, effective and efficient decision (IASB, 2010). If the above features are present then the users of the financial statements and other stakeholders will find the financial statements useful and reliable otherwise the financial statements will serve no purpose and will be futile. The concept of conceptual framework is very important concept in the field of accounting and the inclusion of the concept of prudence has further enhanced the value of the financial statements so prepared. The concept of prudence is very old since the year 1989 but has been known by different names. As per the common parlance, the term prudence means the act of being cautious. The same word has been used in the definition in the year 1989 when the concept of prudence was first introduced in the regulatory framework of accounting. It is said at that time that the personnel involved in accounts department of the company should exercise not only the due care but also some level of the caution which will help them to correctly estimate the accounting part of any transaction or events that has happened in the uncertain event which shall in case lead to overstatement of assets and revenue. The above introduction has been very categorically criticized saying that the approach of the concept of prudence was very conservative as it has send the signal for ensuring that there shall be no overstatement of assets and revenue and thus has not taken into consideration the liabilities and the expenditure which also forms part of the financial statements. With this criticism, the concept of prudence has been excluded in the year of 2005. But after 2005 many persons started arguing that the financial statements if it is without prudence will mean thereby imprudent (Cooper, 2015). Thus, this argument somewhere states that the concept of prudence is deeply connected with the Neutrality as the being prudent mean being cautious which in turn means that is shall be from any error or bias. Due to this argument, the concept of prudence is again included in the conceptual framework of accounting and its presence is duly solicited from the year 2015. After having the understanding of the conceptual framework of accounting and that too with the re inclusion of concept of prudence and the importance that both the concepts have gained over the years, now it is to analyze through the annual report of the company as to know whether the company has followed the conceptual framework of accounting and have considered the concept of prudence as basis in preparing and presenting the financial statements to the users along with the stakeholders of the company. The company Qantas Airlines has been selected. The company has been incorporated in the year 1920 in Australia. The full form of an abbreviation Qantas is Queensland and Northern Territorial Aerial Services Limited. In current scenario, it is regarded as the leading airline company in Australia in Domestic and International sector and is also regarded as the second largest airline across the world. To understand whether the conceptual framework of accounting is complied with, the annual report of the company has been analyzed with regard to the following factors (Annual Report, 2016): Remuneration to Key Managerial Personnel: The Company in their annual report has described under the section of Remuneration report that there exists the remuneration framework which strives for motivating and retaining the best possible talent by having the defined opportunities for pay and that is on appropriate level. It aims at linking the remuneration of the directors directly to the results of the company. The company has bifurcated the remuneration under three factors Basic pay, short term incentives and long term incentives. By having the remuneration framework the work and the results under this will be very fruitful. But on the other hand there may be chances of having high chances of manipulation. Trade Receivables Total receivables of the company for the year ending June 2016 is amounting to $929 million as compared to the year of 2015 amounting to $1093 million.. The company is measuring and valuing the receivables as per the sale invoice and is valued after making the provision for impairment losses in receivable. It exhibits that there exists the framework and the accountant provide for the impairment within that structure only. Property, Plant and Equipment: This is measured by deducting the depreciation and the impairment loss from the item of the asset. A note has been given about the Capital Expenditure Commitments. It states that the group capital expenditure commitments are expressed in the functional currency as US dollar. The same is converted into Australia dollar and are reported as on 30-06-2016 amounting to $11670 millions. It also exhibits that the company follows the conceptual framework. Revenue : Revenue received in advance has been shown as Current Liability amounting to $5046 million for the year ending 30-06-2016. It depicts that the company is following the conceptual framework along with prudence. Conclusion The concept of conceptual framework along with the concept or prudence plays very vital role in the accounting field. It lays down how the company is required to perform its functions keeping in view the boundaries of statutory and managerial compliance that is required to be crossed. The importance of the concept of conceptual framework has been detailed and reasons have been given for including the prudent in it. Thereafter, the annual report of the Qantas has been analyzed and established that conceptual framework is being followed by the company and that too with caution. References Anastasia, (2015), Financial Statement Analysis : An Introduction available on accessed on 04-05-2017 Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting, (2013), Conceptual Framework available on accessed on 04-05-2017 Cooper S, (2015), A Tale of Prudence, available on accessed on 04-05-2017. International Accounting Standards Board, (2010), Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010 , pages 16-21 Qantas Airlines Official Website, Annual Report 2016 available on accessed on 04-05-2017 Weiss D, (2014), Faithful Representation available on accessed on 04-05-2017.