Friday, February 28, 2020

HR Roles and Responsibilities Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

HR Roles and Responsibilities Paper - Essay Example HRM has since been ascribed an essential role in achieving the goals of organizations. Its rise had important implications on the recognition of workers. The competencies of employees have been given more notice in recruitment and selection as well as in training and development (Van Marrewijk & Timmers, 2003). Its strategic position as a sounding board for top management and facilitator and change agent in the restructuring and transformation processes of the company is equally balanced with its role as an important partner for employees. â€Å"Thus, the HRM function positions itself in two ways: as the architect of new organizational structures and work systems, and as coach in management development processes and companion of employees in turnaround processes† (Van Marrewijk & Timmers:174) Movement from traditional personnel management towards HRM is caused by factors such as â€Å"increased level of competition, less availability of trained workforce, less committed workforce, rapidly changing technology, increased level of downsizing and restructuring of organizations† (Budhwar:143). Further, the increased importance and interest in HRM may be enhanced by the introduction of the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), Investors in People (IIP) standards, increased pressure on training and enterprise councils (TEC) and the â€Å"welfare to work† projects. The ever-increasing functions of HRM have given birth to two practices – integration and devolvement. Brewster and Larsen (1992) define integration as â€Å"the degree to which HRM issues are considered as part of the formulation of the business strategy† and devolvement as â€Å"the degree to which HRM practices involve and give responsibility to line managers rather than personnel specialists.† (411-412). This paper will focus on the practice of devolvement. Unloading

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

English Exercises Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

English Exercises - Assignment Example Practice Exercise 1: You can use chlorine bleach to disinfect cloths that you believe are contaminated with germs. After you launder the clothes, you can wear them to the ceremony, but be sure to choose colors that compliment the theme colors: red, white and blue. The Chief Executive Officer is concerned about employee morale, and wants to study whether increased salary or shorter hours will help most. The Personnel Office has information on tuition assistance for courses in history, accounting, computer science and English. Each employee should take their application form to the receptionist in charge of summer extra work opportunities before the fiscal year ends. Practice Exercise 2: In sentence 2: ‘cloths’, ‘where’, and ‘chose’ should read ‘clothes’, ‘wear’ and ‘choose’.In sentence 3: ‘moral’ and ‘celery’ should read ‘morale’ and ‘salary’.  In sentence 4: ‘personal’ and ‘insistence’ should read ‘personnel’ and ‘assistance’.In sentence 5: ‘there’, ‘Sumner’ and ‘physical’ should read ‘their’, ‘summer’ and ‘fiscal’.