Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Regional Archeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Regional Archeology - Essay Example As the report declares the emergent of states in China is a crucial research topic in the archeological world, with significant recent archeological findings contributing to the growing interest in the topic. The survey area presented in the article is called Gongyi, which is located in the eastern part of the Yiluo River valley. The goal of the settlement pattern in the research was to comprehend the factors that determined the arrangement of settlement sites in the region. The study compares social transformation in the core area with the surrounding regions to obtain a more complex picture of the developmental process of early states. This is based on the fact that there is a positive correlation between population growth and social complexity. The study uses data from Brac Island, which is in Central Dalmatia, Croatia. The island is the largest of all the islands in the region with a total surface of 395 Km2. The survey technique used here involved the collection of surface artifact and the known archeological sites revisited and properly recorded. For the analysis and predictive model generation, archeological work presented in the paper needed extensive social and natural environment data, which would have influenced the settlement pattern in the island. Methods such as systematic dating and recording ceramic remains and comparison of the characteristics of the archeological site to previously excavated and studied sites, archeologists are able to determine the settlement pattern.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Teaching Critical Awareness Essay Example for Free

Teaching Critical Awareness Essay Jane Mayer begins the article by bringing out the important part in teaching sociology which is ensuring that the students have understood the various types of social structures and their relationship with each other and to individuals. In order to achieve the above objective, integration of various processes and learning experiences is important. They involve an integration of both passive and active models of collective and active learning. The use of various teaching devices such as films, lecture and student seminars enhance the critical understanding because they give students more opportunities to be actively involved in the subject-matter (Jane, pp. 253). According to Jane, (pp. 253), when using critical teaching, one is supposed to look for a way through which the problem of apathy and self-involvement in students can be overcome. This is: stimulation of a critical understanding of the social structures. In the choice of tutorial framework to be used in the course: it should include academic sociology, commonsense and journalism. Children should be encouraged to analyze the day to day occurrences from different perspectives. She explains that although lecturing is important in teaching, it does not trigger critical thinking because it puts more emphasis on memorizing. Video is an affective mode of teaching when combined with audio devices. They help open sensory avenues which promote learning. Self learning also provides an opportunity for analytical skills to develop while reading and writing. Collective learning like student seminars provides a collective way of learning. This provides the students with skills necessary to deal with contemporary social issues (Jane, pp. 253). Because of the various elements in the different types of teachings, they are supposed to be combined together for one to achieve maximum results. Self-learning, passive, active and collective learning have a part to play and therefore should be integrated. Works cited Jane, Mayer. Teaching critical awareness in an introductory course. Teaching sociology, vol. 14, No. 4(Oct. 1986), pp. 249-256.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Edgar Degas :: essays research papers

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas was born on July 19, 1834, at 8 rue Saint-George's in Paris. His father, Auguste, a banker, was French, and his mother, CÃ ©lestine, an American from New Orleans. The family name "Degas" had been changed to "De Gas" by some family members in Naples and France in order to sound more aristocratic; the preposition indicated a name derived from land holdings. Degas went back to using the original spelling sometime after 1870, and that is how we spell his name today.He was destined for a law career, but instead entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he studies with Louis Lamothe. There he became a painter and sculptor. Degas was associated with the Impressionists, taking an active part in there firsts exhibitions, but his individual choice of subject matter, handling of composition, and emphasis of drawing distinguished his works from theirs. He worked with a number of media: oil, pastel, lithography, engraving, and sculpture. From the mid-1850s through the mid-1870s Degas explored many types of subject matter. He copied works by earlier artists and executed his own history paintings, portraits, and scenes of daily life. Degas eventually ended his efforts at history painting and devoted more attention to portraiture, turning images of relatives and friends into complex psychological studies.His oils and pastels depict the inhabitants of the world of sports, business, ballet, and the cafes in their self-conscious posturing and characteristic gestures. He has numerous paintings of jockeys, dancers, laundresses and prostitutes. Another favorite subject was a model at her bath. Degas' observation of movement resulted in the radical compositions that preserved the character of his subjects. As Degas' subject matter became more contemporary, so did his artistic style. Early on, Degas presents people as individuals, whereas works from the mid-1870s on categorize women in particular according to their professions. The laundresses, milliners, and dancers represent types rather than specific individuals. Degas' handling of paint and use of color also become bolder and more experimental. Degas' collection of repeated poses and postures speaks to his preoccupation with texture, color, and form.In the later years of his life, despite failing eyesight, he continues to paint his women models in varied, unarranged poses. Soon after he began to let him self go. He stopped caring for his dress or trimming his beard. He had chronic bronchitis and bladder problems. Degas continued to work as long as he was in the house of Rue Victor-Masse.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mothers and the Chinese Spirit in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club Essay

Mothers and the Chinese Spirit in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club   Ã‚   The Joy Luck Club is the telling of a tale of struggle by four mothers and their four daughters trying to understand the issue of gender identity, how they each discover or lose their sense of self and what they mean to one another. Throughout the book each of the mothers works hard at teaching their daughters the virtues of Chinese wisdom while allowing the opportunities of American life. They try passing on a piece of themselves despite the great barriers that are built between the women. Each of the stories gives a wonderful glimpse into the Chinese culture and heritage that the mothers are trying to reveal to their daughters through the use of festivals, food dishes, marriage ceremonies, and the raising of children, essentially their past experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Living with their traditional Chinese culture in American society, these eight Chinese-American women suffer the problems of cultural conflicts in compliance with their gender. Asian women were looked at as being "positive, subservient, compliant, quiet, delicate, exotic, romantic and easy to please" (Mulan). They are nicknamed "China dolls" or " lotus blossoms", which are sexually loaded stereotypes of Asian women. These stereotypes discriminate against women by degrading their worth as people. By men taking advantage of their obedience and submissiveness they are showing that these women are not valued and that they have no voice. Judith Butler responds to these roles by saying, "Gender is an act, a performance, a set of manipulated codes and costumes rather than a core aspect of essential identity". By the middle of this century, Chinese women had been playing this manipulative, subservient role for m... ...look like our mother. Her same eyes, her same mouth, open in surprise to see, at last, her long-cherished wish" (Tan 332). Each mother achieved her desire of implanting her Chinese spirit and wish into each American daughter. Works Cited Butler, Judith. Do, Thuan Thi. Chinese-American Women in American Culture. 1992 Hooks, Amy. How to Be a Girl: Problems with Feminism in "Rules of the Game" and Mulan. Hsiao, Rita, et al. Screenwriters. Mulan. Director Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft. Disney 1998. Scarcella, R. United States. 1990. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Random House, 1989.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Medicalization Essay

Medicalization describes a process by which a non-medical problem becomes defined and treated as a medical problem, usually in terms of illness and disorders. Medicalization used to be focused on deviance, now it focuses on a range of human problems. Medicalization is increasing as technology advances. There are many things that have become medicalized such as Alcoholism, mental disorders, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, etc. There are three degrees of medicalization. 1. Fully medicalized, example would be severe mental illness. 2.  Partly medicalized, example would be menopause. 3. Minimally medicalized, example would be sexual addiction. The factors that affect the degrees are the support of medical profession, available treatment, and medical insurance. In the end medicalization has increased the profitability and markets of pharmaceutical and biotechnological firms. Many factors have contributed to the rise of medicalization. For instance the loss in religious, the increase of faith in science, rationality, progress, increased prestige and the power of the medical profession. The medical profession and the expansion of medical jurisdiction were prime movers for medicalization. Medicalization has also occurred through social movements. Doctors are not the only ones involved in medicalization now, patients are active collaborators in the medicalization of their problem. The Vietnam veteran movement medicalized PTSD; AIDS treatment was done by the gay and lesbian movement, and PSM with the woman’s movement. There are both positive and negative consequences to medicalization. With everything being medicalized, some people have a better chance functioning well in society. If they are really shy, they will be diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, and will be medicated to interact efficiently in society. People are no longer depressed, disoriented because of medical intervention, for example, menopause and anorexia. It can really improve the self-esteem of some individuals. Those were some of the positive consequences of medicalization. There are a few negative consequences as well. For instance, medicalization transforms human differences into pathologies. Example, a child with a different learning size will be accused of having a learning disability or having ADHD. By transforming all of these differences into pathologies, it will diminish our tolerance for and appreciation of the diversity of human life. Eventually every person will be labeled as sick. In the Dr. Jarvik article, the speaker demonstrates how old age is being medicalized. It isn’t acceptable to age, because one should stay young. Medicalization has brainwashed people into thinking that somethings aren’t normal when really they are. As people age they are pushed to take all of these medications to stay young and feel good, when it should be socially acceptable to age. A good example of a way medicalization has been resisted would be demedicalization. Gays have changed the definition of homosexuality from illness to lifestyle. Same thing with masturbation, it used to be considered an illness, now its something natural that most people do. These examples contradict medicalization since they have been demedicalized. Disabilities went from medical problem to societal problem. Childbirth used to have been done in a hospital under drugs. Now woman have many options on how they would like to give birth. Parents have refused to give children medication for their ADHD because they belive it wont benefit them. One example from the article would be the â€Å"ana is my friend† website that they mentioned. It is a website that helps anorexic people learn to live an anorexic lifestyle. They don’t promote it they just help anorexics adjust. In the end, Medicalization plays a huge role in todays society. It will keep on expanding from here, and along will come its consequences.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moment Generating Functions of Random Variables

Moment Generating Functions of Random Variables One way to calculate the mean and variance of a probability distribution is to find the expected values of the random variables X and X2. We use the notation E(X) and E(X2) to denote these expected values. In general, it is difficult to calculate E(X) and E(X2) directly. To get around this difficulty, we use some more advanced mathematical theory and calculus. The end result is something that makes our calculations easier. The strategy for this problem is to define a new function, of a new variable t that is called the moment generating function. This function allows us to calculate moments by simply taking derivatives. Assumptions Before we define the moment generating function, we begin by setting the stage with notation and definitions. We let X be a discrete random variable. This random variable has the probability mass function f(x). The sample space that we are working with will be denoted by S. Rather than calculating the expected value of X, we want to calculate the expected value of an exponential function related to X. If there is a positive real number r such that E(etX) exists and is finite for all t in the interval [-r, r], then we can define the moment generating function of X. Definition The moment generating function is the expected value of the exponential function above. In other words, we say that the moment generating function of X is given by: M(t) E(etX) This expected value is the formula ÃŽ £ etx f (x), where the summation is taken over all x in the sample space S. This can be a finite or infinite sum, depending upon the sample space being used. Properties The moment generating function has many features that connect to other topics in probability and mathematical statistics. Some of its most important features include: The coefficient of etb is the probability that X b.Moment generating functions possess a uniqueness property. If the moment generating functions for two random variables match one another, then the probability mass functions must be the same. In other words, the random variables describe the same probability distribution.Moment generating functions can be used to calculate moments of X. Calculating Moments The last item in the list above explains the name of moment generating functions and also their usefulness. Some advanced mathematics says that under the conditions that we laid out, the derivative of any order of the function M (t) exists for when t 0. Furthermore, in this case, we can change the order of summation and differentiation with respect to t to obtain the following formulas (all summations are over the values of x in the sample space S): M’(t) ÃŽ £ xetx f (x)M’’(t) ÃŽ £ x2etx f (x)M’’’(t) ÃŽ £ x3etx f (x)M(n)’(t) ÃŽ £ xnetx f (x) If we set t 0 in the above formulas, then the etx term becomes e0 1. Thus we obtain formulas for the moments of the random variable X: M’(0) E(X)M’’(0) E(X2)M’’’(0) E(X3)M(n)(0) E(Xn) This means that if the moment generating function exists for a particular random variable, then we can find its mean and its variance in terms of derivatives of the moment generating function. The mean is M’(0), and the variance is M’’(0) – [M’(0)]2. Summary In summary, we had to wade into some pretty high-powered mathematics, so some things were glossed over. Although we must use calculus for the above, in the end, our mathematical work is typically easier than by calculating the moments directly from the definition.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Acid Rain Research Paper

Acid Rain Research Paper Rain is one of the most essential ingredients for human and animal life. The water provided by rain allows all life on Earth to survive. Although rain is naturally acidic, it is being increasingly acidified by pollution from homes, factories, power stations and cars. The term used to describe this problem is â€Å"acid rain†. Acid rain hasn’t just occurred in the last twenty to thirty years. In fact a chemist named Robert Smith found rainfall in Manchester, U.K., to be very acidic. He suggested a link between acid rain and SO2 given off when coal was burnt by local factories. This was over 100 years ago. Acid rain is caused when pollutants from cars, homes, factories and power stations mix with atmospheric moisture. These pollutants may be carried in clouds for long distances before falling, which means that forests and lakes far away from factories may be damaged by acid rain. Two of the major ingredients of acid rain are the chemicals sulphur dioxide [SO2] and nitrogen oxides [NOx]. When large quantities of these two particular chemicals come in contact with the atmosphere, they team up with moisture [H2O] to produce strong acids called sulphuric and nitric acid. These two acids which are formed in the atmosphere, are very strong pollutants. Some air pollution as a matter of fact comes from natural sources, but most is human made. The burning of oil and coal by plants and factories, homes and cars, is the main source of chemicals that cause acid rain. Power stations and factories emit large amounts of sulphur dioxide and also nitrogen oxides, whilst car exhausts contain large amounts of nitrogen oxides. When volcanoes erupt, they emit various gases which have been trapped under the ground, including sulphur dioxide. This can cause air pollution, which can then be made much worse by the addition of human-made emissions. The air in many towns and cities is overfull of harmful pollutants. In the northern hemisphere sulphur emissions are decreasing steadily, due to pollution controls in industry. NOx emissions, however, are not yet in such steady decline. The acid from rain takes important minerals from the leaves of trees and from the soil. Acid rain also releases toxic metals from the soil which damage the roots of the trees. The trees are weakened, cannot grow properly and are attacked by viruses, fungi and pests. Eventually the trees may die. Direct damage to trees occurs when SO2 blocks the pores on the leaves, through which the trees takes in the air they need to live. Forest floods that are affected by acid rain have high concentrations of metals like aluminium and lead. When animals drink from acidic lakes and dew that have been affected, the metals they take in may gradually poison them. There is an obvious link between acid rain and damage to human health. People can be harmed by breathing in the chemicals from dry deposition, causing chest illness. Also when acid rain causes the release of metals and chemicals into drinking water, it can damage people’s health. When air pollution is breathed in as people walk along the street, it gets into their lungs. Once in the lungs, it acts like a poison, causing the airways in the respiratory system to become narrower. This lets in less oxygen and breathing becomes difficult. If SO2 is breathed in, it can pass deep into the alveoli, which is where oxygen is passed into the blood. The moisture in the lungs can turn the sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid, and cause damage to the body. In some polluted cities, such as those in California, smog stations have been set up to monitor the output of polluting exhaust gases. To reduce acid rain industry’s have to cut down the amount of SO2 being produced when fossil fuels are burnt. Therefore, they can: use coal which contains little sulphur, remove the sulphur which is in the coal, use another type of fuel, or burn the coal in such a way that the sulphur is destroyed. There are many other ways of combating this problem, however, the best way to solve this issue is to prevent emissions of pollutants in the first place. Reducing the amount of NOx emissions caused by car exhaust is an effective solution. Public transport systems need to be improved so that people can travel without having to use their cars. If more people used public transport, it would cut the number of private vehicles on the roads, and would reduce pollution dramatically. Everybody needs to work together to reduce pollutants to make the world a safer and healthier place to live.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Bartleby The Shrivener

In Bartleby the Scrivener the writer talks a lot about the â€Å"main character† Bartleby, and how he ‘prefers’ not to do certain things expected of him from society. Brandon and I talked about the symbolism that Bartleby and the lawyer he works for attach to themselves throughout the story. Bartleby starts his job by putting his nose into his work and doing as he is expected, but towards the end he chooses not to do things expected of him which frustrates his boss. In the end Bartleby gets left behind from his employer who has to move from him and later dies in a grass yard at a jail. The motions that Bartleby takes a reader through are not easily provided, but when looked at the events have many meanings to a person’s life whether it be now or in 1853. At the end of the book there is a major symbolic gesture between Bartleby and a way of life. The story notions that Bartleby may have worked as a clerk in a dead letter office where he has to continually load letters and then annually know they get burned out. This is symbolic of a person’s life because everyone pushes themselves to do what is expected and attain their goals in a standard time. For example, the college quarterback is expected to be great on the field, maintain the best GPA, and allow themselves time to function as a student. However, they find themselves burning out before they even start because they are expected to be great at everything all at once. The problem is that they can only do what pleases them. In Bartleby the Scrivener, Bartleby does everything expected of him until one day he just burns himself out. He is like those letters. He constantly is working and doing the socially accepted roles that he was given, until one day he just gets tired of it. He becomes a vagrant and annoys society. This too is symbolized in the story via the lawyers relationship with Bartleby because Bartleby becomes a vagrant within his boss’ firm. People ex... Free Essays on Bartleby The Shrivener Free Essays on Bartleby The Shrivener In Bartleby the Scrivener the writer talks a lot about the â€Å"main character† Bartleby, and how he ‘prefers’ not to do certain things expected of him from society. Brandon and I talked about the symbolism that Bartleby and the lawyer he works for attach to themselves throughout the story. Bartleby starts his job by putting his nose into his work and doing as he is expected, but towards the end he chooses not to do things expected of him which frustrates his boss. In the end Bartleby gets left behind from his employer who has to move from him and later dies in a grass yard at a jail. The motions that Bartleby takes a reader through are not easily provided, but when looked at the events have many meanings to a person’s life whether it be now or in 1853. At the end of the book there is a major symbolic gesture between Bartleby and a way of life. The story notions that Bartleby may have worked as a clerk in a dead letter office where he has to continually load letters and then annually know they get burned out. This is symbolic of a person’s life because everyone pushes themselves to do what is expected and attain their goals in a standard time. For example, the college quarterback is expected to be great on the field, maintain the best GPA, and allow themselves time to function as a student. However, they find themselves burning out before they even start because they are expected to be great at everything all at once. The problem is that they can only do what pleases them. In Bartleby the Scrivener, Bartleby does everything expected of him until one day he just burns himself out. He is like those letters. He constantly is working and doing the socially accepted roles that he was given, until one day he just gets tired of it. He becomes a vagrant and annoys society. This too is symbolized in the story via the lawyers relationship with Bartleby because Bartleby becomes a vagrant within his boss’ firm. People ex...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Promotion plan for increasing attendance at a minor league baseball Essay

Promotion plan for increasing attendance at a minor league baseball game - Essay Example Because of the existence of multiple number of minor league baseball games in the same country, the marketers for these baseball leagues often try to implement a series of promotion tactics so as to lure the fans of the baseball games. Some of the promotional tactics that are used by the marketers for increasing the popularity of the baseball games comprises of night time fireworks, concessions on fooding items. Also, some marketers focus on executing promotions by conducting three legged races as well as various other contests for children. Also, organizing of concerts, comedy, magic acts are performed to lure the interest of the sports fans for the minor league baseball games (Anderson, â€Å"Not So Minor Attractions†). However, to present a unique kind of promotional campaign in this case, focus has to be given to design a campaign which is different from the existing promotional clutter. The promotional idea that will be recommended in this case will be a mix of both online and offline medium. Selecting the Promotional Approach While designing the promotion for the league baseball games, the SMART objectives that were designed have to be considered. The SMART objectives focused on raising the level of popularity as well as the sale of merchandises from the gift shops.... Also, some marketers focus on executing promotions by conducting three legged races as well as various other contests for children. Also, organizing of concerts, comedy, magic acts are performed to lure the interest of the sports fans for the minor league baseball games (Anderson, â€Å"Not So Minor Attractions†). However, to present a unique kind of promotional campaign in this case, focus has to be given to design a campaign which is different from the existing promotional clutter. The promotional idea that will be recommended in this case will be a mix of both online and offline medium. Selecting the Promotional Approach While designing the promotion for the league baseball games, the SMART objectives that were designed have to be considered. The SMART objectives focused on raising the level of popularity as well as the sale of merchandises from the gift shops. Since the expected fans of the baseball games will be mostly young parents and kids who will fall in the category of Gen X and Gen Y category, hence to develop a connect with them, the online medium will be used. Promotion of the event will be carried out in the online networking sites by creating a Facebook Page and thereby providing updates about the latest happening for the minor baseball league games. Also, the Facebook Page can be used to conduct online contests targeted towards the young audience and thereby distributing rewards and freebies to the contest winners. This will help in boosting the interest and attendance rate for the games. Also, the traditional advertising medium can be used as a support process for increasing the awareness and interest for the baseball games of the minor league. For doing promotions using the traditional medium, the marketer can

Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminal Behavior and the Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Criminal Behavior and the Law - Assignment Example Crime is a disgraced act or violation of a public law. Today, the crime rate in almost every country has reached its heights and not a single individual can be fully safe from any specific criminal act. Implementation of crime prevention strategies plays a significant role in reducing the crime rate effectively. The role of criminologists, criminalists, and forensic psychologists is very important in dealing with crimes. In the United States of America, different types of crimes occur which are reported by the Uniform Crime Reporting. Some of the major types of crimes reported by UCR include forcible rapes, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft. In this paper, the focus will be on white-collar crimes, blue-collar crimes, index-one crimes, and index-two crimes measured by Uniform Crime Reports of the FBI. In the broad context, all criminologists, criminalists, and forensic psychologists work for the same purpose, which is, reduction or prevention of crimes. However, there are big differences in the working of these professionals. Studying all three fields related to the field of criminal justice, it can be said that the professionals of all three fields work together to deal with crimes. Criminologists deal more with the study of criminal behaviors and analysis of different crime prevention techniques as compared than actually participating in crime prevention. They provide proper solutions and assessments to government agencies, law enforcement agencies, correctional systems, and police officials. They also provide academic services in colleges and universities. According to Rothe and Friedrichs (2006), criminology deals with the identification of the causes of crimes and their prevention measures from sociology perspective. The field of criminalists, on the other hand, is related more closely to the field of forensic science. Criminalists

Qualitative data analysis assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Qualitative data analysis - Assignment Example Reactions from even an unstructured qualitative meeting might be entered into a workstation with the end goal that it should be coded, numbered and broken down with divisions. The qualitative analyst, on the other hand, has no framework for pre-coding, hence a strategy for distinguishing and naming or coding information needs to be created that is the best for each one examination. This is in particular known as the substance dissection. The substance might be broken down on two levels: Basic level or the show level. A clear record of the information is presented that is the information is exchanged, yet no remarks or speculations regarding why or how are discussed. Moreover, a larger amount or inert level of dissection is also undertaken a more interpretive investigation that is concerned with the reaction and also what may have been derived or inferred. Content dissection includes coding and ordering information, likewise alluded to as classifying and indexing and the point of conn ection investigation is to understand the information gathered and to highlight the paramount messages, gimmicks or discoveries. As per Bazeley, utilizing qualitative programming does not decrease the nature of the qualitative examination nor does it rearrange the entire methodology of doing qualitative exploration. What it does is, straightforwardness of information administration and information investigation procedures and make it more sensible and also thorough. Nvivo or whatever possible qualitative programming are simply instruments that will help the specialist in undertaking an investigation of qualitative information. In the present exploration, aside from the profits picked up from the gimmicks in Nvivo that was said prior, the scientists likewise profited regarding an expense caused for administrations rendered to oversee and dissect the information. Moreover, time

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Information and Communication System Essay - 2

Management Information and Communication System - Essay Example The accounting applications of the ES are the most significant merits of an ES in that there is integration of cost, profit, and revenue information of sales that are presentable through granular way (Shang and Seddon, n.y, p.1-3). The ES entails Enterprise Resource Planning that has significant impact on the manufacturing process. Additionally, the management is able to make better plans in the organization via the consolidated picture of inventory, sales, and receivables presented by the ES. The adoption of the ES results to a reduced inventory cost due to the incorporation of SCM, CRM and ERP concepts that aid in better planning, follow-up and forecasting of requirements. The ES considerably enhance improved interdepartmental communication and better employee performance because of proper sharing of information across all departments of an organization. The ES also serves as a barrier to the entry of redundant data and processes throughout the system as all systems are integrated in an organization. However, the Enterprise systems entail a lot of challenges and demerits. Disadvantages of Enterprise Systems There are problems associated with delivering flexibility that emanate from the ES manufacturing companies being forced to respond to fast changes in customer requirements and technology which subsequently leads to huge demands on the flexibility of supply chain systems. In addition, ES suffers software complexity issues. This is due to the increased configuration complexity where the hardware, operating system, database and storage, and applications are hard to operate. Another disadvantage attributes to the difficult in optimal servicing of the installed equipment base and the challenge... The researcher of the essay "Management Information and Communication System" description of enterprise systems. Also the researcher mentions their advantages and disadvantages. In the end the researcher describes supply chain management systems. Enterprise systems (ES) are large scale application-software packages that entail enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, customer relationship management (CRM) packages, and supply chain management (SCM) packages from vendors like Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP. Subject to their application, Enterprise Systems can significantly change the way an organization functions. Indeed, there are variant business advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of Enterprise systems in an organization setup. In conclusion, the author finds that enterprise systems have fundamental impact on the management of any organization. They are involved in organizational functions, processes, reporting, data analysis and information flows. Though they are more te chnical and costly, the benefits of enterprise systems supersede the demerits of enterprise systems upon adoption in an organization. On the other hand, supply-chain management systems draw a huge significance in the business environment. They relate to coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers. Their application in the business generates numerous benefits to the reference business. However, Supply chain management systems do not apply universally in different businesses.

Analytical review on the presentation on women in shakespaeres sonnet Essay

Analytical review on the presentation on women in shakespaeres sonnet 130 - Essay Example "Many critics read this poem as a parody of contemporary love poetry and it certainly has a mocking tone. Some critics suggest that Shakespeare is satirising the conventions in order to mock the Woman." (Raymond, 167) Through description of the woman's physical beauty and her characteristics, Shakespeare affirms his conception of women and, indirectly, challenges the representation of women in the traditional literature and romantic poems. In a reflective analysis of the portrayal of women in literature through various centuries, it becomes lucid that women have been portrayed differently by writers of different ages and there is a note of cynicism by the time of Shakespeare who breaks the conventional image of the mistress in his sonnet 130. Chaucer's Wife of Bath is the stereotype of women during the period, who is a champion of female rights, and there were several other stereotypes of women, by the 16th century, promoted by the courtly love tradition and the emergence of the sonnet and Arcadian idylls.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Information and Communication System Essay - 2

Management Information and Communication System - Essay Example The accounting applications of the ES are the most significant merits of an ES in that there is integration of cost, profit, and revenue information of sales that are presentable through granular way (Shang and Seddon, n.y, p.1-3). The ES entails Enterprise Resource Planning that has significant impact on the manufacturing process. Additionally, the management is able to make better plans in the organization via the consolidated picture of inventory, sales, and receivables presented by the ES. The adoption of the ES results to a reduced inventory cost due to the incorporation of SCM, CRM and ERP concepts that aid in better planning, follow-up and forecasting of requirements. The ES considerably enhance improved interdepartmental communication and better employee performance because of proper sharing of information across all departments of an organization. The ES also serves as a barrier to the entry of redundant data and processes throughout the system as all systems are integrated in an organization. However, the Enterprise systems entail a lot of challenges and demerits. Disadvantages of Enterprise Systems There are problems associated with delivering flexibility that emanate from the ES manufacturing companies being forced to respond to fast changes in customer requirements and technology which subsequently leads to huge demands on the flexibility of supply chain systems. In addition, ES suffers software complexity issues. This is due to the increased configuration complexity where the hardware, operating system, database and storage, and applications are hard to operate. Another disadvantage attributes to the difficult in optimal servicing of the installed equipment base and the challenge... The researcher of the essay "Management Information and Communication System" description of enterprise systems. Also the researcher mentions their advantages and disadvantages. In the end the researcher describes supply chain management systems. Enterprise systems (ES) are large scale application-software packages that entail enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, customer relationship management (CRM) packages, and supply chain management (SCM) packages from vendors like Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP. Subject to their application, Enterprise Systems can significantly change the way an organization functions. Indeed, there are variant business advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of Enterprise systems in an organization setup. In conclusion, the author finds that enterprise systems have fundamental impact on the management of any organization. They are involved in organizational functions, processes, reporting, data analysis and information flows. Though they are more te chnical and costly, the benefits of enterprise systems supersede the demerits of enterprise systems upon adoption in an organization. On the other hand, supply-chain management systems draw a huge significance in the business environment. They relate to coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers. Their application in the business generates numerous benefits to the reference business. However, Supply chain management systems do not apply universally in different businesses.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Diagnosis of Palm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational Diagnosis of Palm - Essay Example The name 7S describes the seven elements of an approach to organizational design and review all starting with the letter S: strategy, structure, systems, staff, skills, style and shared values (Daniell, 2004). The strengths of the 7S model rest upon the variables included in it, which are generally deemed important for any organization; and that the inter-relationship between the elements is considered in the model. However, its weakness lies in the absence of an external environment and variables relating to performance (Burke & Litwin, 2009). It should not, therefore, come as a surprise that the 7s model has been singled out as the culprit in many unsuccessful bids at strategizing in the higher level (Daniell, 2004). Congruence Model The Congruence Model was formulated by Nadler and Tushman in 1977 based on their assumption that an organization is as open system. As such, an organization is affected by its environment in the same way, although not in the same extent that the organi zation molds its environment. As explained by Nadler and Tushman, it is not enough that inputs, outputs and components are listed and described. The Congruence Model depicts the organization as a dynamic entity and uses the term fit to measure the equivalence between two pairs of inputs, particularly between the elements of the transformation process (Burke, 2011). The main issues against the congruence model include: the equal weight given to each of the organizational dimension, which does not approximate the reality that in different organizations, one or more of the dimensions are ‘weightier’ than the others; and the fact that no recommendations were given to aid in determining whether or not congruence is in place. Burke-Litwin Model The Burke-Litwin Model operates on the belief that organizational change is brought about primarily by environmental factors. Various organizational factors are viewed as a collection of interdependent components which all operate on a common environment. The interdependencies present in the organization such as mission, strategies, leadership, and culture help effect organizational transformation and drive improvements in individual and organizational performance (Noolan, 2006). Six-Box Model Weisbord called his framework the six-box model to represent the six interacting variables, namely: purpose, structure, relationships, rewards, helpful mechanisms and leadership. Preziosi (1972) added a seventh box into the six-box organisational model when he prepared the diagnostic questionnaire to provide inputs on readiness for change among the members of organisation. The six-box model offers a method of examining the structure of an organisation and how the organisation functions in order to determine how a planned change effort can happen within such organisation (Shapiro, 2011). Ironically, Burke (2011) maintained that the strength of the six-box model also contributed to its weakness. Particularly, Burke (2011) not ed that the simplicity offered by the six boxes in understanding organizations suffers from the pitfall of complications arising from the six boxes under-representing the other variables involved in the diagnosis of an organization. However, its other strenghts are significant: the prominent position of leadership stresses its coordinating function, and its usefulness for fast and simple diagnostic

Book Report - Middle School Series Essay Example for Free

Book Report Middle School Series Essay ? Rafe Khatchadorian has enough issues around his family life, without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily, hes got an incredible plan for the best year ever, if only he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his schools Code of Conduct. Having gum in class scores him 5,000 points, running through the hallways, another 10,000 points and pulling the fire alarm, 50,000 points! But not everyone thinks that Rafe’s game is a good idea, especially the teachers, parents and other students at the school, so hell have to decide if winning is all that matters, or if hes finally ready to face the rules, bullies, and truths hes been avoiding. http://www. jamespatterson. com/books_middleSchool. php#. UWY9FFdstN4 Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is written by James Patterson and is a realistic fiction book that takes you through the journey of Rafe’s first year at middle school, dealing with the awkwardness of crushes, bullies, and family issues as he tries to break every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. The book features many different pictures that tell you what’s going on as well, and is considered a graphic novel. Middle School the Worst Years of my Life received a critical acclaim from the most reviewers, it won the YALSA 2012’s Top Ten Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Readers award and James Patterson got nominated for the Children’s Book Council’s Author of the Year award. James has written well over 50 books, a lot of them being in series, and has won many awards. Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is the first book in the Middle School series. The setting of the Middle School series is in middle school. There is no specific day or time that this book is set in, other than it being during middle school. A lot of the time the rules that are broken are broken within the school timing, but there are one or two rules that get broken out of school times. I think the setting has been chosen well, and believed it suited the book well. The novel starts with Rafe entering sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School. Beginning the new school year with a negative mindset means that Rafe starts the year bored and believes that ‘it was a prison Pilgrims back then, but not too much has changed. Now it’s a prison for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. ’ Rafe quickly understands that he will be stuck in middle school for 3 years, and invents â€Å"Operation R. A. F. E. † with his best friend Leonardo the Silent. The plan was to break every single rule in the schools handbook. He also has to put up with the issues in his home life. His mum is always working double shifts at a diner and never gets time with her children, Rafe, and Rafe’s younger sister, Georgia. He has a verbally abusive stepfather (Bear) who looks after him when his mother is away. Then, there’s Jeanne Galletta, who Rafe is madly in love with. Jeanne is a doubtful of Rafe’s plan and wishes he would spend more time on school work then his games. Operation R. A. F. E’s consequences consists of many detentions with his English teacher, Ms. Donatello. This creates tension between Rafe’s family, and after having a fight with Bear about Leonardo and how he is a bad influence on Rafe, we discover that Leonardo is Rafe’s imaginary friend. Rafe’s actions eventually lead to bad grades, getting himself suspended, and then forced to be tutored by Jeanne, whom he had been trying to avoid because she doesn‘t like him. While the tension in the family gets stronger, Bear throws Rafe’s mother to the ground and moves out, Rafe gets expelled for spraying graffiti on the school walls, but Ms. Donatello see’s the potential artist within him and comes up with the idea to send him to art school. The final part of the book reveals that Leonardo is Rafe’s dead twin brother. An exciting part of the novel is when Rafe graffiti’s the school wall at four in the morning. ‘The next morning, I left a note for Mom saying that I had to go to school extra early to work on a project, which was basically true. I just left out the part about how early meant four in the morning and project meant highly illegal activity. â€Å"You’re not going to regret this,† Leo kept telling me. The way he saw it, the whole point of Operation R. A. F. E. was about breaking rules, so why should I let a little thing like losing the game stop me from doing the part I’d been looking forward to the most? Like I said before – genius†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I unpacked my new flat black marker, a big old camping flashlight, and some of my latest practice sketches. I’d drawn these ones on graph paper, which is kind of like a brick wall, to show me how big everything would need to be. But Leo was feeling impatient, â€Å"You don’t need those anymore,† he said. â€Å"The clock’s ticking. Stop thinking so much and just go. † So I did. I set up the flashlight on a rock so that it was shining right at the wall. Then I picked up my marker and started. It was king of slow-moving at the beginning. I wasn’t sure what to draw first, or what order to do things in. But the more I kept going, the more I got into it, and then somewhere along the way everything started to flow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. After a while I was running around like crazy, working over here, working over there and getting up on an old trash can to reach the higher parts when I needed to. The whole thing started to get so big that I felt like I was inside it, even while I was still drawing. It was like Leo had said – I wasn’t thinking anymore. I was just doing it, like the marker was just another part of me, and the lines and shapes and pictures were coming right out of my hand. ’ After a while, the police show up, and are surprised that a kid had done all that work, but then again, it was illegal, so into the cop car went Rafe and Leo. I like this part of the novel because I felt as if I was in the actual scene. It was as if I was Leo and I was scared we’d get caught. This scene, although it’s short, it was intense. You didn’t want Rafe to get caught, but you wanted to know what would have happened when he got caught. I just believe that the way this chapter/scene has been written makes it believable and makes you feel like you’re there. The style of this novel is average pace. The novel begins out very slowly, and it doesn’t have much meaning, but once the novel gets a fair way into it, the drama begins, and the pace slowly picks up. At the end of the novel, things get more intense and more happens in a shorter amount of time, and by the end of the novel, so much has happened, that it takes a while to comprehend what has happened, but you realise that James wrote it that way for a reason, and to me, that reason was so that he could have a short book, that had a lot in it, and might eventually be able to make a movie, much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies. The Worst Years of my Life uses a lot of slang humour, but not so much that it’s over powering, it’s just enough that it creates the characteristics of the book. A genre is the category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. There are several genre’s the feature in this novel, some more than others. The genres that feature heavily in Middle School the Worst Years of My Life are: Comedy Humour Drama The genre that is featured in the book, but not as heavily is romance. Have you ever had a crush on someone and had them not like you back? Romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Rafe Khatchadorian discovers his feelings for Jeanne Galletta on one of his first days at school. They were all sitting in the school gym and she was one of the candidates for the student council representatives and part way through or speech, she offers to buy Rafe fries later that day, and that’s when he knew he liked her. Towards the end of the novel, Rafe’s grades start to go downhill and the school as well as his Mum think it’s a good idea to get some extra help. Little did Rafe know that his dream girl Jeanne was going to be his tutor. Even though Rafe is a teenage boy who likes girls, middle school would not be any good without a sense of humor or a comedian mixed into the scene. The biggest class clown in the school is here, and his name? Rafe Khatchadorian. A class clown is the funniest person in the class who often gets in trouble. Rafe’s first year at middle school is spent trouble making and trying to make people laugh, but not everyone thinks that his plan to break every rule in the Code of Conduct. Miller the Killer was the school bully, and his new prey is Rafe. Throughout Rafe’s middle school year, he comes into conflict with Miller many times. The biggest thing that happens to Rafe because of Miller the Killer is when he discovers Rafe’s notebook with all the Operation R. A. F. E. (Rules Aren’t For Everyone) and makes Rafe buy each page back off of him for a dollar a page, but Rafe discovers Miller’s plan with the notebook early on, and it isn’t pretty. Miller the Killer enjoys making Rafe’s first year at middle school hell, but Rafe enjoys the humorous side of school. School is tough on everyone, so what’s the best way to get through? Have fun! And that’s what Rafe intends to do by breaking all the rules in the Code of Conduct and earning himself points. The catch is, he only gets given three lives, and if he breaks all three, the games over. All the seriousness aside, Rafe gives himself, and Leo a good laugh. The funniest scene in the book to me was when Rafe decides to break the schools dress code, and he was given the best chance to do this with Halloween just around the corner. Leo knew that it would only be a matter of time before Rafe was caught by a teacher, so Leo was giving him 10,000 points for every 50 yards of the school he covered in his costume. Rafe ran, as fast as he could in all black, with a pocket full of Cheerios as throwing stars, and nunchucks made from paper towel roles with rope knotted at either end. Yep, you guessed it. Rafe was a ninja. ‘I came tearing out of that bathroom at full speed and just kept running – through the first floor (10,000! ), up the stairs (10,000! ), down the second floor hall past all the lockers (10,000! ), throwing Cheerios and swinging my nunchucks like crazy. ’ Right before he got caught, Miller the Killer was right in his aim. ‘I made sure my mask was pulled down tight over my face. Then I took a big windup as I went by, and beaned him upside the head with one of the chucks (10,000! ). â€Å"What the ? † Miller turned the wrong way, just as I passed him. By the time he’d figured out where I came from and where I was headed, I’d already left him in the dust. He was twice as big as me, but I was twice as fast. Eat it, Miller! ’ And then it happened. Caught right in the act. Yep, a teacher saw him†¦ Well, he ran into the teacher. Games over Rafe. ‘And then – splam! I ran right into Mrs. Stricker. Literally. Let’s just say, she wasn’t in the mood for wrestling. ’ But Rafe had another plan and it was going to earn him double points. ‘I went into the bathroom and came out a minute later without my ninja costume, running just as fast as before. Some kids got out of my way. Some even ran in the other direction. A few of the girls screamed when I cam2 through, but I dont think they meant it. And a few people even yelled stuff like â€Å"Go, Rafe, go! † and â€Å"Dont let ‘em get you! † Because, like I said, I wasn’t wearing my ninja costume anymore. In fact, I wasn’t wearing much of anything at all. ’ No, he wasn’t naked, but he wasn’t wearing much†¦ ‘Just sneakers, a pair of boxers, and a big old smile. Boy, did Rafe get in big trouble for that, but on the other hand, he did earn himself a lot of points! Rafe loves making people laugh, and I believe that the reason he does it isn’t for other people, but he does it to make himself feel good. I believe that the main theme in this novel is coming of age and growing up into a better person in a way. To me, I think this means that by using the resources that are around you (family, friends etc. ) to become the person you are supposed to be. For Rafe, this is trying to get over his prank, funny, humorous stage, and into the more serious schooling stage. This can be hard for some people, especially when they don’t get along with their family, and when their only friend is in their imagination, but by the end of the book, Rafe has realised that even though he isn’t academically smart, he does have a gift with art, which sees him going to art school. Love is also in the novel, as Rafe discovers Jeanne Galletta, but it doesn’t impact on the story as much as growing up does. The main characters in the book are: Rafael (Rafe) Khatchadorian – Rafe is the trouble maker in the story who is in his first year at Hills Village Middle School. Rafe is important because without him, there is no story. I like this character because he makes the book fun. Even though he isn’t an actual person, this character has a funny personality and a childish sense of humour. I believe that James Patterson has described this character well. Georgia Khatchadorian – Georgia is Rafe’s annoying little sister who likes to be in everyone’s business and know what’s going on in Rafe’s life, especially when he is in trouble. She is also the family tattletale and always dobs Rafe in when she catches him doing something wrong. Even though Georgia annoys Rafe a lot, he also protects her, which is like all siblings love-hate relationships. I like her because I think I can relate to her because I am the younger sister in my family, and I like to annoy my older brother, but I also know that he will always be there for me. I think that Georgia is a main character in this story because she is a part of Rafe’s home issues because she never leaves him alone and always wants to know what’s going on in his life. Carl AKA Bear – Bear is Georgia and Rafe’s, abusive, rude, obese stepdad who can be found on the couch. Bear is often yelling at Rafe after school. He also argues with Mrs. Khatchadorian, Rafe and Georgia’s mum, and one argument let Bear to accidently push her down the front steps, and when the police show up, it doesn’t look good for Carl. I don’t like him at all! He’s so rude and obnoxious, and I would hate to have a step parent as bad as him. Leonardo (Leo) the Silent – Leo is Rafe’s best friend, who we later discover is in his imagination. We also later find out that Leo was Rafe’s twin brother who died when he was still a baby. I think that Leo is the glue that holds everything together. He helps Rafe with school, with home, and he gives him the motivation to keep going when things get tough. I really like Leo the Silent because even though he isn’t real, he is the perfect best friend. Jeanne (Jay-Gee) Galletta – Jeanne is Rafe’s crush. He is madly in love with her, but she is also the goody-two-shoes of the school, and she hates Operation R. A. F. E. I like her but I don’t. I feel like she tries too hard to be a good student, and doesn’t give herself enough freedom, which is why I don’t like her. I think that being a teenager, or getting to that stage  means that you can manage school and social life, and to me, it’s like she has no social life. She’s important in the story because as we get older, we start to see people in different ways, and we start to like them, and I believe that Jeanne is important because without her, it’s not a real adolescent’s life. Ms. Donatello AKA the Dragon Lady – Ms. Donatello is Rafe’s English teacher, as well as his detention buddy. Even though she is strict and can get aggravated easily, she also has Rafe’s best interest at heart and wouldn’t help him if she didn’t believe he was better than what he shows. I like her because I have had plenty of teachers that are hard on me, but they do it because they want what’s best, and without that push, we wouldn’t grow and evolve as people. I understand why Rafe doesn’t particular like her, but teachers always want what’s best, and he will eventually see that. Miller AKA Miller the Killer – Miller is the school bully, hence the name ‘Miller the Killer. ’ He is constantly giving Rafe a hard time throughout his first year at middle school, and without the school bully, school wouldn’t be school. There is always that one person that puts people down to make themselves feel good, although not a lot of bullies take kids lunch money, but hurt them mentally, or even physically. I don’t like Miller because I believe that he hurts people because he can and he needs to get disciplined. Without Miller, or a bully in the book, it wouldn’t be like school life, so I can understand why James Patterson included him in it. I’m not much of a reader, but I really enjoyed this book, and I found it easy to understand and comprehend because of the little sketches throughout the book. This book is much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and I believe it is aimed at the same kind of age group. I think that I was too old to read this novel, but I didn’t find it so easy that I could just read it in a day, but not hard enough that it took me forever to read. It was a good balance, so I would suggest it for kids 13 years old and younger, somewhere between 9 and 13. To be honest, it was a good book, but it could have been made longer so not everything happened at once towards the end. In general, it was a good read, and I would recommend it to younger kids who enjoy having a good laugh and getting into trouble.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Main Factors That Attract Tourists To The Caribbean Tourism Essay

Main Factors That Attract Tourists To The Caribbean Tourism Essay Tourism has long been the primary industry on the majority of the Caribbean islands due to the largely incredible natural beauty and wildlife which attracts hoards of vacation hungry visitors all year long. (Sophia Southern, n.d.). Tourism accounts for a large amount of the Caribbeans economy and work force. The most important tourist centre in the Caribbean are Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Island, Jamaica, The Bahamas and Barbados. Tourists are attracted to the Caribbean for many reasons some of the main factors are: Geography The Caribbean which extends from the southern tip of Florida, pass the Gulf of Mexico and down to the north-eastern tip of South America, attracts a lot of visitors each year. The Caribbean has numerous landforms such as islands, mountains, waterfalls etc. Weather -The Caribbean has a tropical marine climate which gives it an all year round sunshine and this makes it perfect for the winter visitors. The equator gives the Caribbean temperatures `between 27-32Â °C. It is called marine because of the influence of the sea. During the day the sea is usually cooler than land. Winds blowing from the sea. This is one of the biggest reason why tourists are attracted to the Caribbean, The climate attract tourist to the Caribbean during the winter period their country Tourism activities in the Caribbean have traditionally centre around the promoting of coastal attractions: beaches, coral reefs, coastal water. Beyond the beauty of the beaches, its sparkling blue water and attractive coral reefs, there are lush tropical rainforest, volcanic, a rich cultural heritage Culture and Sandy Beaches The Caribbean culture is The white sandy beaches of the Caribbean islands are a magnificent sight to see and parallel to none. The Caribbean is well known for its fine grained, soft white sand The opportunities of water sports When tourist come to the Caribbean they want to try water activities such as swimming, sailing, and snorkelling Community-based Tourism Community tourism is not a recent phenomenon, it dates back to the early days of travel when travellers were accommodated in monasteries, inns, homes and hostels. Community tourism is dependent on the community itself its attitude towards tourist is recognition of the value of tourist business and the steps it takes to stimulate and promote it. It requires the involvement of the community as a whole and a strong working relationship with the tourism sector. Community-Based tourism exists and can only be successful when there is a participation of the community in which the product is located. There can be full participation meaning that the community controls tourism in their local or limited participation of the community personnel. (Teaching Tourism in the Caribbean, December 2000) Why Community Based tourism Jamaicans sometimes feel left out from the tourism industry and do not believe that they benefit from the tourism therefore it is important for individuals to become stakeholder as they will now have a reason to protect and sustain the industry. Community tourism is identify as an avenue to sustain growth, environmental sustain-ability enhanced visitor experience and community development. This would result in it being an inclusive industry where the benefits from tourism are spread more widely. (Team Jamaica, 2000) Benefits of Caribbean based tourism Increased employment both directly and indirectly. Increased opportunity for social and cultural intercourse. Increased income the improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of the community Improve quality of life Principles of Community Tourism Community Tourism is a new appearance. It is a spirit that spread throughout all sectors of the tourism industry. Community Tourism is about levels of relationships between the host country and the visitor. What is appealing to the visitor is found among the varied natural attractions, local resources and talents, and indigenous attributes of a community or area. Through visitor-community interaction, respective cultures are explored, ideas and information are exchanged, and new friends are made. (, n.d.) Community Tourism fosters opportunities at the community level for local people wishing to participate more fully in the tourism industry. This may range from organising bed breakfast accommodation in a rural home to creating income-generating tourism opportunities for an entire village. Community Tourism is managed tourism in its profoundest sense, taking into account evolving travel trends in such areas as the environment, study and research, seniors travel and other special interests. Community Tourism products and services are geared to address these trends and to satisfy the interests of emerging travel markets. Key clientele includes: The mature market Study and Research groups, including schools, universities, colleges and research based organizations Church groups Environmentalists, botanist, ornithologists and nature lovers The independent traveller Afro-Americans Caribbean Nationals at home and abroad The vision of Community Tourism is to expose the local resources and talents, and make the concept a reality for local people. Community Tourism embraces eco-tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism, recreational tourism, geo-tourism, heritage tourism, health tourism, farm tourism and all the popular special interest tourism. Community-based tourism, therefore, is a combination of tourism products offered at a community-level to domestic or international visitors. In the Jamaican context, community-based tourism usually refers to visitor interaction with local people in the rural areas outside of the traditional resort areas. Community-based tourism does not mean that the rules that apply to traditional tourism sub-sectors do not apply them. The principles of health and safety for visitors drive tourism regardless of the setting in which the product is offered. Community-based tourism, however, offers a unique opportunity for Jamaica. The process of community-based tourism development if managed effectively has the potential to alleviate poverty and illiteracy. Community-based tourism also has the potential to develop the natural creative energy of Jamaicans by transforming average citizens into entrepreneurs. It can be used to develop strong partnerships by twinning existing traditional tourism entrepreneurs with aspiring non-traditional tourism entrepreneurs. It can be combined with the existing tourism product offerings to create a uniquely Jamaica experience. Community-based tourism can be a stand-alone venture or a partnership of the traditional and the non-traditional products blended with Jamaican charm, culture and heritage to create a community tourism spirit that culminates in a truly Jamaican experience. Community-based tourism can bring out the best in the Jamaican people In developing community-based tourism products it is essential to understand that: Local conditions, culture and knowledge will influence the outcome. Each community has its own identify and values. Tourism works within a system. The tourism system defines the rules for local tourism. Developing a business is a process. International standards play a significant role in product development and marketing. Each agency on the team has a specific role to play in the development of the community-based tourism product. Failure to learn the rules and to manage effectively and efficiently the process results in failure at the local and national levels. External Challenges Global competition for tourism business The forces of globalization advocate the free movement of goods/services, capital and labour by opening up the world markets for trade. Globalization has expanded global corporate reach and control. The challenge is that the region now has to invest in meeting international standards. Worldwide the hospitality industry is having difficulty attracting motivated and dynamic employees because of its image as primarily offering low pay, low status jobs, with long, demanding working hours and difficult working conditions. Modern technology is rapidly changing the way business is conducted in travel and tourism. With the increasing use of computers by businesses to gain competitive advantage and the dramatic increase in the use of the Internet by travellers, tourism businesses have to invest in the new technologies and train their people in the use of these technologies to remain competitive. The use of distance learning is revolutionizing campuses worldwide as, through the use of multiple technologies. Special attention needs to be paid to addressing the human resources needs of small, medium and micro tourism businesses in the region which make up the bulk of the sector, and which are locally owned and managed for the most part.. (Morgan, CTO, 2001)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Disease and disorders affect a vast amount of lives in today’s world. Diseases are conditions that affect normal functions of the body. Many diseases and disorders are still being discovered and explored by scientists. One disorder that can disturb a person’s daily life and events is Generalized Anxiety Disorder also known as GAD. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a disorder causing constant and often unrealistic worry and anxiety. It alters the way a person thinks and can ultimately lead to physical symptoms. This disorder, while having many physical and emotional affects, can be managed and maintained. Pathophysiology Worry, doubt, irritability, exaggerated anxiety, and unexplained tension are just a few of the many effects of Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. While the symptoms aren’t life threatening, they remain unpleasant to control and many feel so overwhelmed, this can lead to patient’s use of substances and occasionally suicide. Though the cause of this disorder remains unknown, the main source of GAD comes from the brain. Genetics, Brain chemistry, and environmental factors are believed to be the main causes of onset of GAD. â€Å"Trauma and stressful events, such as abuse, the death of a loved one, divorce, changing jobs or schools, may lead to GAD†(WebMD: Anxiety & Panic Disorders Health Center, 2012, p.2). The neurotransmitters tell the brain how to feel and react. Many neurotransmitters have been connected to this disorder, including serotonin, GABA, and Norepinephrine. When hormones become thrown off or unbalanced this can also trigger Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Calm Clinic: Neurotransmitters and Anxiety states (2013), â€Å"Interestingly, too much or too little of any hormone may also affect anxiet... ...d health professionals as well. Medical practitioners encourage healthy habits, such as an exercise plan, to push the body to producing and releasing more endorphins. The medical provider may also recommend life style changes and that the patient find a hobby to preoccupy those anxious thoughts. There are many options available to help a patient deal with this illness. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is becoming more commonly recognized every day by healthcare providers; therefore the physical and mental symptoms are becoming more easily managed. The worrying, stress, and physical symptoms brought on by GAD can be treated with many options, previously not available. While an untreated patient may feel hopeless and helpless, with a treatment plan created by healthcare professionals, a person can feel like they are in control of their mental status and life again.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Selective Perception in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Haml

Selective Perception in Shakespeare's Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the end of Act I, the point at which Hamlet judges it may be prudent to feign madness - to "put an antic disposition on" (I.v.181) - much of the first half of the play concerns characters trying to determine why the prince's melancholy has evolved into seeming insanity.   Each of the major players in Elsinore has a subjective impression of the reason for Hamlet's madness; indeed, in each of these misconceptions there is an element of the truth.   At the same time, however, the nature of these selective perceptions provides insight into the characters who form them.   And finally, these varied perspectives are notable in their effect upon the dynamic of the conflict between Hamlet and Claudius, and upon the king's increasing paranoia.    Long before the encounter with the Ghost turns Hamlet's vague suspicions into something approaching certainty (I.v.1-113), Claudius views Hamlet not as a madman, but as a threat to the security of his rule and possibly his life.   This is evident from their first scene, in which Claudius publicly denounces Hamlet's "unmanly grief" (I.ii.94) as "a fault to heaven" (l.101); Claudius seems to be undermining Hamlet's popular support by painting him as unworthy to rule.   Even in the face of his court's attempts to dissect the "very cause of Hamlet's lunacy" (II.ii.49), Claudius' initial convictions are never shaken.   Like the other characters, Claudius has his own motives for believing as he does; like the other characters, his beliefs are subject to manipulative reinforcement by the play's events.   Moreover, the speculation regarding Hamlet's madness serves only to convince the king that Hamlet is not mad, and th... ...nnate guilt and paranoia will not let him view Hamlet any other way.   This facet of Claudius' character is integral to the resolution of the tragic sequence: while, in the end, Claudius' paranoia is not enough to save his life, it is certainly sufficient to ensure that no one else escapes the conflict unscathed.    Works Cited Bevington, David, ed.   The Complete Works of Shakespeare.   4th ed.   New York: Longman-Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. Bradley, A.C.   Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.   London: Macmillan, 1967. Hamlet.   Prod. Dyson Lovell.   Dir. Franco Zeffirelli.   Warner Brothers, 1990. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.   British Broadcasting Corp.   Prod. Cedric Messina.   Dir. Rodney Bennett.   Time-Life Films, 1978. Shakespeare, William.   Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.   Bevington 1060-1116.   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Overview of Accounting Essay

The audiences of financial statements and managerial reports include the shareholders, employees, prospective employees, customers, suppliers, the government, the stock exchanges, investors, lenders and the public at large. What is important is that each audience has a different perspective in reading the financial statements and managerial reports. For example, a lender would like to know the leverage of the company, if it has the capacity to service debt and if the loans to the company would be well secured. There are several purposes served in preparing financial statements and managerial reports. The financial statements are designed to show its audience, the companies finances, that is how the company got its finances, what it was used for and where is it being currently used (Luecke, R. 2002). For this purpose there are four main financial statements that is the income statement, the cash flow statement, the balance sheet and the statement of shareholders equity. In general an income statement has the purpose of showing how much revenue a company earned in a period of time, the balance sheet shows the company’s assets, liabilities and shareholders equity, the cash flow statement shows the inflow and outflow of cash and the purpose of the statement of shareholders equity is to show changes in the ownership of company’s shareholders over a period of time. The nature of the income statement is in the form of a report that shows the costs and expenses that the businesses incurs in order to earn its revenue. It gives the net earnings of the company. The nature of balance is such that it provides point wise information about the assets, liabilities and shareholders equity. The nature of a businesses balance sheet is such that it is set up like the basic accounting equation. Usually on the left hand side the companies list the assets and on the right hand side they list their liabilities with the shareholders’ interest at the bottom. This arrangement differs from country to country. For instance, in some countries the assets are listed on the right hand side. However, the basic nature of the balance sheet remains the same. The nature of the cash flow statement is such that it can inform its audience if the business generated cash or not. The cash flow statement is a report that shows cash changes over time instead of exact currency amounts at a point in time. It simply uses and rearranges information from the balance sheet and income statement of the business. The most important report that is issued by the management of a company is the annual report (Stittle, J. 2003). The nature of this report is such that it has detailed financial and business information required by law of the country in which the company is registered, modern annual reports have impressive pictures and stories that eulogize the company’s performance in the past year. The information contained in this report can help the audience make informed and ethical decisions. In the USA the SEC requires that the audited annual report be sent to every shareholder at the end of the year. In this the management comments about the future. Form 10-K required to be filled in the USA ha more detailed financial information. The company’s financial performance is described in a section of the quarterly or annual report that is called â€Å"Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation,† In this section of the Annual Report the management describes its own understanding of the financial condition of the company. The management in this section of the annual or quarterly report describes what it understands of the current financial condition of the business. It also gives its view of the relevant trends and challenges that the business faces. This allows the audience to see the financial condition of the business from the perspective of management and allows the audience to make informed and ethical decisions. In other words it provides the audiences the background that is required to study and understand the financial statements. Financial accounting information can be used in making informed and ethical business decisions. How? The income statement shows the earning per share, a calculation that tells you how much you as a shareholder would receive if the company distributed all its earnings. This allows you to make an invest/ non invest decision. Giving more information about the financial health of the company is the cash flow statement. It divides cash flow into flows from operating activities, investing activities and financing activities. This informs not only the investors but also the management, employees, suppliers and customers about the source of cash for the company and allows them to make better decisions. The footnotes of the reports give important information that helps make efficient and ethical decisions. The footnotes refer to stock options, pension plans, income taxes and important accounting policies and practices. For example, a company may be showing an inflated profit figure because its accounting practices have changed but reading the footnotes helps the audiences make better decisions and ethical decisions with regards to the company. To make ethical and informed decisions it is important to read between the lines of these reports. How is this accomplished? By doing ratio analysis! Commonly the ratios that are examined are debt-to-equity ratio, inventory turnover ratio, operating margin ratio, P/E ratio and working capital. Consider this, well before the Enron scam exploded; several investors were able to smell by examining the ratios that something was wrong with the company. They decided to sell off their stocks and avoided losses. To sum, the intention of the financial statements and management report is to inform the different stakeholders of a business. If these statements are carefully analyzed and understood they help these stakeholders make an informed and ethical decisions.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Impact of Caste System in India Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Brief introduction of the background: Feminist translation rose in the process of â€Å"cultural turn† proposed by Bassnett Susan and Lefevere at the end of the 1970s and in the early 1980s, it was the product of the latest advances in translation theory and the vigorous development of the feminist movement that first launched in Canada by some outstanding Canadian translators, like Susanne de Lotbinià ¨re-Harwood, Barbara Godard and Kathy Mezei.(Susan 1990) A strong movement of French-language feminist experimental writing in Quebec stimulated their desire to promote and to theorize activities of literary mediation. Since then, some feminist theorists came up and made a lot of critics about the feminist translation theory, the most typical and influential ones are: Sherry Simon’s Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission; Luise Von Flotow’s Translation and Gender : Translating in the Era of Feminism; and Barbara Godard’s Views on feminist translation studies. The purpose of feminist translation theory is firmly opposed to placing women in the lower social class and making translation subsidiary to literature. They are against that, as John Forio summarized:â€Å"translators are handmaiden to authors, women inferior to men.† This is the core of feminist translation theory, which seeks to ‘identify and critique the tangle of concepts which relegates both women and translation to the bottom of the social and literary ladder’. We can see that it stressed the subjectivity of translation, hold the idea that original is equivalent to the translation and the gender discrimination can be eliminated by rewriting the translation. (ç ®â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ ½Ã¤ ¸ ½2012:1-27) From this point of view, the theory is accepted by most, especially translation theorists, since it has provided a new learning perspective for them in translation theory research and translation practice. 1.2 The application of the feminist theory in literature. As one of the most important foundational texts of our Western culture. However, there are many masculine language, image and metaphor in the early Bible so that it is hard to avoid not to consider God as male. With the rising of feminism, women Christian became awakening to the situation of women’s oppression, so they reacted strongly against the overwhelmingly masculinist bias of the Bible, and the way it had for so long been used to constrain women. While the method they adopted is to reinterpretate the Bible from a feminist point of view, to translate the Bible by means of â€Å"neutral† or â€Å"gender-inclusive language† and propose several amendments of the translation of the Bible, which resolves the concept of feminist translation. However, some people think that the rewriting of the Bible may lead a misunderstanding of it, for the fact is that the social status of female in that era is extremely low. We can judge from the following: The Bible teaches that woman brought sin and death into the world, that she precipitated the fall of the race, that she was arraigned before the judgment seat of Heaven, tried, condemned and sentenced. Marriage for her was to be a condition of bondage, maternity a period of suffering and anguish, and in silence and subjection she was to play the role of a dependent on man’s bounty for all her material wants, and for all the information she might desire on the vital questions of the hour, she was commanded to ask her husband at home. Here is the Bible position of woman briefly summed up. (Stanton l972:7) Different translation versions of the Bible are allowed nowadays, on condition that the religious rules and the historical truth of the original text not be violated. Otherwise it won’t become an authorized and popular one. With the rapid development of the feminist translation theory, there sprang up numerous recomments on the reinterpretation of feminist literature in China and abroad. Some main research texts are: Pride and Prejudice; Zhang AIling’s translations; Jane Eyre; Diary of a Mad Black Woman; A Frolic in the Snow; The Color Purple;《王å ®â€°Ã¥ ¿â€ Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã§â€ ·Ã¤ º ºÃ¥â€™Å'Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã¤ º ºÃ¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã¤ º ºÃ¥â€™Å'城å ¸â€šÃ£â‚¬â€¹and so on. Through the recomment on the feminist literature, and the comparison of different versions from gender point of view, more and more people were awakened by the feminist consciousness, it earned widespread attention to some extent, it even changed the position of men and women in an unnoticed , fast way. For example, there are two different translated versions of Li Limei and Sun Zhili to Pride and prejudice. As far as Austen’s ideas on marriage are concerned. Li Limei’s preface for her translation of Pride and Prejudice:She criticized most of the marriage at that time†¦(she thought) the base of an ideal marriage should be mutual love and understanding†¦but she never put money and love ai the opposite position; instead, she showed that money played a key role in an ideal marriage. In Sun Zhili’s preface for his translation of Pride and Prejudice : she accepted Collin’s proposal just for the purpose to have a good home, a â€Å"safe box† whi ch ensured that she can be protected from cold and hunger. She didn’t mind the fact that she couldn’t enjoy the happiness of love after she got marriage. And to some extent, it reflects the miserable fate of women. It shows us that how the subjectivity influences the translation, in the example above, the female translator, influenced by gender consciousness, can better grasp and reproduce the details related to feminine in the original text. However, the male translator, lacking the gender consciousness, often neglects these details, and even weaken or distorts the feminist purpose in the original text. 2. Theory foundation and their strength and weakness 2.1 Sherry Simon and her Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission Sherry Simon and her Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission, which is one of her most significant monographs of translation studies and is also the first comprehensive discussion of the western translation studies from feminist perspective. The book mainly explored the influence on translation theory and practice on the part of feminism based on political and literary movement. In Simon’s words, the book is the product of feminism and translation studies from the perspective of culture. It abandoned the traditional translation theory and held that translation was not a simple mechanical language conversion ,but also the constant extension the renewal of an unlimited number of text discourses. Therefore, translation, considered as an act of writing through highlighting the subjectivity of the translator, is also a rewriting behaviour in specific social, historical and cultural context. Sherry Simon concentrated on the discussion of replacing those hackneyed language by means of the positive discourses that enable to convey the function of identity in translation practice. Sherry Simon’s feminist theory has broken the shackles of translational translation theory, promoting the play of individual initiative, advocating individual interest and needs and recognizing the individual world view.(Simon 1996:105-108) Simon focus on underlining the importance of the cultural turn in translation. Cultural studies brings translation an understanding of the complexities of gender and culture. It allows us to situate linguistic transfer within the multiple ‘post’ realities of today: poststructuralism, post colonialism and postmodernism. (Simon 1996:136) Thus Simon links gender and cultural studies to the development in the post colonialism. The exact scope of post colonialism is open to some debate; however, it is generally used to cover studies of the history of the former colonies, studies of powerful European empires , resistance to the colonialist powers and, more broadly, studies of the effect of the imbalance of power relations between colonized and colonizer. The consequent crossover between different contemporary disciplines can be seen by the fact that essays by her and Lefevere appear in collections of postcolonial writings on translation, and Simon herself makes extensive reference to the postcolonialist Spivak.(Jeremy 2010:133) 2.2 Luise Von Flotow’ Translation and Gender : Translating in the Era of Feminism Followed by Sherry Simon, Luise Von Flotow wrote her Translation and Gender : Translating in the Era of Feminism . After the publication of this book, there came into being a lot of thesis about the feminist translation theory almost at the same time. The importance of it is quite evident. However, does it rightly or properly criticize and comment on the feminist translation perspective? We know that (a) the book systematically expounded the origin, development of the feminism, as well as its relationship with translation. (b) And it perfectly combined theory and example by citing abundant cases. The most heating topic was her three feminist translation strategies: â€Å"supplementing†, â€Å"prefacing† and â€Å"footnoting† as well as â€Å"hijacking†. She explained to us those methods the translators use in their work elaborately. (c) More importantly, as a women, Luise did not hold a bigoted idea, but a justice one to feminism. All of those are strengths, but (a) the language she studied focused on Hebrew, French, and German which all of them have typical gender, number and case. It is not convincing for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean readers for their language can not be obviously distinguished. (b) her criticizes from Outside Feminism and Within Feminism leave us an impression that the feminism overemphasize their manipulative and political act by tampering and the authors’ writing style, without regard to the readers’ feeling. Presenting to us their colonialism in translation. (Flotow 2004) 2.3 Barbara Godard’s Views on feminist translation studies. Barbara Godard was born in Toronto in 1941, she was one of the most famous feminist translators who were the first to engage in feminist translation. She published six translation works including dozens of translations of poetries, proses and fiction excerpts. Godard emphasized on the profiling of women and the translator in the translation. She wrote prefaces all her translators, showing her rejection of invisible women, translators and translations. An important discovery she found was that the language differences between women and men, she found that women must put female language translated in to patriarchal language when they got involved in to the public domain, so women were â€Å"bilingual†, with at least two kind of visions of looking at reality. However, men has a single perspective because of their power positions of masters. When it came to the translation of women’s work, this narrow perspective of men were fully exposed. What she sought was not the â€Å"one to one correspondence† between the translation work and the original texts, but the recreation of the translation to the feminism in the original text. Godard was absolutely a pioneer in western feminist translation and her feminist translation practice and theory were extremely important for us to study the western feminist translation. However,(a) her works were so radical that it was almost impossible for the translators to find the so-called equivalence of the original work and the translation work. (b) Godard’s translation were indeed limited to the highly educated elite readers for she thought it was one of the strategies of feminism that required the text of elitism to make the text more readable. 3. Conclusion It is regarded as a good way to improve the women’s social status with language and translation, we are also delighted to see the improvement of the subjectivity and the translators, but it will become debateable if the translators attempt to change the style of the original work, or rewrite it to serve their political act. If the translation is not fidelity ,we won’t care whether it is beautiful or not. What we should do is not to rewrite all the works forcefully, but fully analyzing and translating the feminist works with female consciousness, so that our voice can be heard,and our female consciousness can be released from the male-centered one.(ä ¹ Ã© »â€ºÃ¤ ºâ€˜ 2002) The translation theory and translation practice now mainly focus on some typical literary translation and texts, but not spread to the people at bottom. It is suggested that the mass reading and some other aspects should also be involved. As for China, we still did not have any formal feminist movement, plus we lack of the deep research about translation. Hence we haven’t achieved a remarkable achievement concerning the feminist translation. We should avail ourselves of this opportunity to call on Chinese translators apply this feminist consciousness into their translation. Because it benefits not only the development of feminism, the gender study, but also the translation studies. The revolution of the translation may be a revolution of literature, and a revolution of human culture.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion - Essay Example The person travels or goes to the job or work. People exist to serve the organization. From a human resource frame perspective, the organization exists to serve the human needs rather than the human existing to serve the organization. In the truest sense the opposite perspective of the structural frame. Inherently, the organization is at tension within itself from the moment it begins to exist. Human Frame perspective says that human needs must be met for organizational needs to be met. The people are the organization and worth investing in. The organization focuses on ensuring the right human resource strategies are in place such as human resource hiring and keeping valued employees and building on diversity. The Political Frame Perspective is a way of viewing organization as a group of assimilated like-minded individuals. Recognizing these individuals have grouped together, the political frame allocates resources according to the political structures in place rather than accepting simple hierarchical frames. Goals and decisions are made through negotiations and the level of power one holds determines results. The Symbolic Frame Perspective provides the vision and the inspiration for the people of the organization, the emotional glue to keep everyone striving for a common goal and purpose.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

LAW2044 LAW OF TORT II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LAW2044 LAW OF TORT II - Essay Example However, unlike the other three, the commission of a battery may not have intent to do harm but what must be present is the intentional contact or physical contact between the doer of the crime and recipient4. This follows the principles surrounding mens rea and actus reus which in theory implies that there can be no criminal liability based on mens rea alone, but if the actus reus element of a crime is defined then it may potentially turn in to a guilt offence.5 In battery, there are two circumstances that may arise wherein it would constitute as battery (1) intent to cause harm or offensive body contact and/or (2) intend to cause an imminent apprehension of a harmful or offensive bodily contact.6 When for example, A throws a dagger at B, A expressed an intention to commit battery against B. But in the event that B throws a dagger at A but intends to miss but making A think that she would be hit, then that is still battery.7 The statement made by Trindade categorically separates bat tery from assault. Assault requires no physical contact but is a direct threat by the defendant which intentionally places the claimant in reasonable apprehension of an imminent battery.8 This is illustrated in the 1970 battery case where the defendant filed a case of battery against the policeman on the grounds that the policeman tapped the shoulder of the defendant to get his/her attention. The court found that the grounds of the battery charges were not enough to punish the police officer.9 While in the case of Collins v Wilcock, the policewoman grabbed the upper arm of the woman she was questioning to prevent her from walking out on her, and in response, the woman being questioned scratched the policewoman. The woman was charged with assaulting a police officer but the court found that the actions of the policewoman were enough to be convicted for a battery charge and the charges against the woman being questioned was lifted since her actions was to defend herself.10 In the case of R v Parmenter, the father of the baby was charged with four counts of causing GBH to his son. The baby sustained injuries to his bone structure of his legs and arms. The injuries were caused by the father’s mishandling of the baby. Although the father did not know that his actions would cause injuries to his son, the jury believed that the father should have prevented it by taking necessary measures to be more knowledgeable on how to handle a baby. The father was convicted with the four counts of GBH.11 It is the considered view of this writer that the overt act or mere physical contact should constitute as battery if taken against the will of the recipient. The intention to have contact even without the intent to do harm should be considered as a tortuous act. Emotional or psychological distress would accrue if the threat of harm is present. The elements and definition of the act should consider the psychological and emotional distress inflicted even if there was no inte nt to harm. The mere attempt should be considered tortuous since the possibility of physical harm will cause emotional and psychological distress therefore this should be given weight and credence when a person is charged with battery. Part B Question (a) The right of a person to enjoy a property12 is considered a basic human right and therefore, its peaceful