Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Canada s Human Development Index - 906 Words

Canada is viewed internationally as one of the best nations to live in. Canada was recognized in the Human Development Index report created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in July 2014 for being in the top 10 countries internationally. According to the UNDP, the Human Development Index â€Å"is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living (UNDP, 2014)†. Furthermore, in regards to human rights, the Human Right Watch asserts that â€Å"Canada †¦[has] a global reputation as a defender of human rights at home and abroad [with] a solid record on core civil and political right protections and a generally progressives approach to economic and social rights ( HRW, 2015)†. With this internationally recognized status, many flock to Canada seeking refuge due to being victims of human right abuses in their home countries or apply to immigra te to Canada for the better standard of socio- economic conditions then what they experienced in their home countries. Ironically, while many seek a path into Canada for a better life, the aboriginal population suffers at the hands of the Canadian government. The mistreatment of the Aboriginal population in Canada can historically be dated back to when the first ship arrived during the colonial expansion of the British empire. As Canada grew its nation and population, the maltreatment of aboriginals grew with it. For over aShow MoreRelatedIs Canada the Best Place to Live in?811 Words   |  4 PagesIs Canada the best place to live in? Throughout history, Canada has been a great place to live in. There were many events that took place, some good, some...not so good, but in the end, Canada strived, and has been a great home for many cultures. Canada is indeed the best place to live in, as is proved by its Human Development Index, Life Expectancy at Birth, Death Rate, and Overall Rank. Canada s ranks for all 3 statistics are all very good; they are within the top 3. Canada s Overall RankRead MoreCanadas Current Economic Situation1285 Words   |  6 PagesAn analysis of Canada s current economic situation depicts the nation to be under stress. Ottawa s current fiscal policy aims to operate under a budget deficit which has the potential to take several years before balancing itself. 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